Monday, July 5, 2010

A New Season.

The North Carolina team with the Front Porch kids

With Berkeley & Ashlyn

Myself & Ashlyn (Alaska)

Meet part of our YWAM Charlotte team: (left to right) Berkeley (Virginia), Brittany (Louisiana), Myself & Seth (Washington).

God certainly brings people from all different nations and regions to work and serve together for His kingdom.

Already my body clock has adjusted back to the East Coast time zone which I'm very thankful for. And already I'm stuck into missions trips and believe me, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Since returning to the place I love, I've had time to look at my surroundings and see "it is good." New staff members, a new baby girl, a toddler adopted from Togo and growth within the hearts of the YWAMers serving here. This is where I need to be.

Last week we hosted a team from North Carolina and a team from Alaska and I have to say "they were an amazing bunch." Seriously, yearning for more and more of God in their lives, servant hearted and fun.

I would like to share with you one special evening that we had:
We had just finished our evening session, a time of worship, prayer and a talk, and God had seriously been moving in it. Some of us YWAMers were talking in the kitchen while the teams went their separate ways to have snack. All of a sudden one of the youth came bursting in saying "God is moving, you HAVE to come see this." We glanced at each other and headed out the door in anticipation and excitement. To our amazement we saw half of the group falling around laughing in the Spirit, others weeping because of the Lord's work in their lives, others in worship and more in prayer. Eagerly we joined in, desiring to take part. After a few minutes of praying quietly by myself, a guy from the team came over and starting praying over me. India. Children. Women. The list went on. Many things that have been placed on my heart. This guy hardly knows me! But yet everything that he prayed over me that night was right on. Confirmation of what God is calling me to do. It was a time of being drenched in the covering of the Holy Spirit, a time of weeping and being completely overwhelmed by the peace of God. What an awesome God we serve.

I was sad to see that team leave, but we now have another team from New Jersey. Time simply plods on. I'm loving getting to know more youth, beginning to understand their hearts, being given the opportunity to speak into their lives and to learn from them. They are fabulous, excited to be here on missions, serving the community, working with under privileged children, doing evangelism and helping out in local centers.

This evening God was speaking to me through a song called "You won't relent." If you have never listened to it, I highly recommend it.

"You won't relent until You have it all.
My heart is Yours.

I'll set You as a seal, upon my heart,
as a seal upon my arm,
for there is love that is as strong as death,
jealousy demanding as the grave
and many waters cannot quench this love."

-Misty Edwards

Taking time to ponder over anointed words like these can speak volumes into your life. Thank You God.

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