Saturday, December 4, 2010

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Santy Clause.

We are officially weird.

This is what it looks like when short people high five.

We had small group under the car port...a fire, sparking red grape juice, holiday pretzels and talks of Christmas.

Hot Chocolate. Thick Coats. Rainboots. Christmas music. Crocheted berets. Rain. Christmas Trees. Pumpkin Pie. Thanksgiving. Sweet Potato Casserole. More Christmas music. Gloves. Bare trees. Cold noses. Scented candles and even more Christmas music.

This is my favourite time of year. When I start praying for snow to come in, just so I can have a white December and wishfully I'll say Christmas! Across the pond it's a blanket of white, where the lakes are frozen and cars come to halt.

We celebrated Thanksgiving last week with dressing up, having a feast in our base directors' new extension and having four days to rest, relax and watch Little Women-best movie in creation, by the way.

This last week we had Bob Felder come and speak to us from Miami, Florida. It was all about evangelism, how everyday is outreach day, just because we're going to the mall for the day does not mean to say we have a day off of talking to people about Jesus. It needs to be incorporated into our everyday living. He also shared his heart about Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses. I learned so much through his teaching and got new perspectives on evangelizing.

God is good. He is teaching me a lot in my own heart as well as things that are outward focused.

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