Friday, April 30, 2010


Brittany & I when we got to hear Donald Miller speak. :)

Some of my favourite people...beautiful Keniazh, Lindsay, Brittany, Kristen, Katie, Berkeley, Cassandra & Sara...all lovely YWAM Charlotters.

As my friend Lindsay would say "bringing High School Musical to Thailand!"

Swing, swing, swing to the Liberty...hand clapping with girls in India.

Our DTS team with two university students in Hyderabad, India.

Being back in England has provided time to think about the past two years, where I've been, who I've met & what I've done.

It's been slightly tear jerking as I remember India, the beautiful women & children, the sights, the smells, the tastes & the sounds. India. A name engraved on my heart. I cannot wait for the time when the Lord says "now you can return." To be reunited with the people of the place is one of the top things on my list.

I've thought back over the WISE school and all the wonderful things that the Lord has taught me. The confidence that has grown inside of me, through Him, the letting go of past hurts & pains and the biggest lesson of all...beginning to grasp what it means to trust in the Lord.

I then find myself in Thailand, surrounded by mountains, engulfed in the sun's rays, sitting in the back of a pick up truck riding from village to village. Exciting times, amazing people, glorious God.

So much has come and gone over the last year and a half, it's nice to ponder.

I thank God for the beautiful gift of memories, the workings in my life, being released, providing for me and for being more than enough.

And I thank you for playing a part in these pieces that have started making up a big puzzle...of life.

As life carries on...
I'm here in England for (maybe) a couple more weeks, raising support, catching up with friends & family and getting involved with my home Church. I'm excited as the Lord is leading me to return to YWAM Charlotte to engage with the community there. Please pray that I will have patience and wait on the Lord's timing, that I will keep the Lord as the focus of my life & that I will clearly hear the Lord as I seek Him.

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